Catalogue No: R2-n83-0642 Origin: UCT Anat Path museum Old Museum No: VI:iii:17 Year: 1977
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Clinical data:
The subject was a 34 year old man who complained of stridor and dyspnoea for 3 - 6 months.
At surgery a soft tumour was found, compressing the trachea. The specimen is a 25 mm length of the trachea with a fungating mass (measuring) present in the lumen but not encircling it; the neoplasm is continuous with an extra tracheal mass of similar firm, white tissue. The intra-tracheal part of the tumour extends to both lines of excision.
Microscopy showed a well-differentiated adenoid cystic carcinoma extending from the lumen outwards through the tracheal wall. The extra tracheal portion of the neoplasm has a fibrous capsule but this too is invaded by islands of neoplastic cells.